Marfab Products Can Assist in Obtaining Leed® Credits
Marfab offers products that can contribute to a projects’s ability to achieve LEED® certification under the LEED-NC (New Construction & Major Renovations) and LEED-CS (Core & Shell) 2009 rating systems.
See which products may assist with your LEED® certification.
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The following LEED® credits are supported:
MR 4: Recycled ContentMarfab products for LEED® projects contain high concentrations of “pre-consumer” and “post consumer” recycled content. In fact, our high percentages of recycled content could contribute to exemplary performance strategies for this credit and can thus contribute to ID (Innovation and Design) credits as well. |
Potential Points: 1-2 |
MR 4: Regional MaterialsA high percentage of our material and and components are sourced locally. The steel used to manufacture our products is extracted from Hamilton which is located less than 800 km from our manufacturing site in Concord, Ontario. Since we also factor in the proximity of the project from the final manufacturing site, which must also be within 800 km, projects in the Greater Toronto Area are at a great advantage since the percentage by weight of the total product will yield a high overall percentage be used in calculations for this credit. |
Potential Points: 1-2 |
IEQ: 3.2 Construction Management Plan Before OccupancyMarfab products are manufactured and finished offsite. The use of low-emission paints and coatings in the manufacturing process of this product helps with complying to the requirements for IEQ 3.2 Option 2: Air analysis. |
Potential Points: 1 |
ID: Path 2 Innovation in DesignThe high percentages of recycled content and regional materials could contribute to exemplary performance strategies for MR 4 and MR5 credits and can therefore contribute to exceed these credit requirements. |
Potential Points: 1-3 |
RP 2: Regional PriorityUp to 3 points for Regional Priority Credit 2 may be proposed for this credit that is intended to allow adding on the emphasis to recognize one or more issues that have additional regional environmental importance. |
Potential Points: 1-3 |
Marfab will provide all documentation to support your LEED® certification.
LEED® TECHNICAL DATA SHEETS are available for the following products. MARFAB will also provide COMPLIANCE LETTERS for LEED® audits as well as any other supporting documents.
For more information, please contact Sandy Carless, LEED® Green Associate
All products have been assessed by a third party. Vertima Inc. ensures an annual review of the technical data enclosed in this document in collaboration with its clients in order to maintain a high quality standard.